Best Treatment For Fibroids

If you are searching for the best treatment for fibroids, then you have come to the right place. However, not all treatments will be right for you. You must consider your lifestyle goals before choosing a treatment plan. The best treatment for fibroids depends on several factors. Read on to learn more about the best treatment options for fibroids. Also, be sure to speak with your doctor about your treatment goals. After all, it’s important for both of you to feel great.

Depending on your age, desire to have children and your symptoms, your doctor may recommend a hysterectomy or other invasive treatment. If the symptoms are minimal, you may opt for the ‘watchful waiting’ treatment approach. However, it is important to have regular imaging studies and exams, as fibroids can pose major health risks if left untreated. A recent study shows that none of these three treatments is the best option for fibroids.

While surgical procedures are still the best treatment for fibroids, more women are turning to noninvasive methods instead. Noninvasive surgery, such as MRI-guided focused ultrasound, can be a great alternative for fibroids. However, these procedures are only available in specialized centers and are not appropriate for women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Further, they can lead to complications, so it’s important to find a reputable doctor to discuss all of your options with.

Another method that has been shown to work well for many patients is radiofrequency ablation. This procedure uses controlled heat to soften fibroids, and the body absorbs the broken down material. This treatment is a safe, noninvasive option for fibroid patients who have a few fibroids. Unlike a laparoscopic laparoscopy, hysterectomy removes the entire uterus. It may be best for patients who have fibroids that are not a risk to conception.

A new procedure has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of fibroids. Hysteroscopic morcellation (HMT) is an excellent method for removing fibroids without harming the uterus. A hysteroscope is inserted through the cervix and a morcellator is inserted into the womb to cut the fibroids away. The recovery time for this procedure is usually about 90 minutes.

The best treatment for fibroids depends on the size and type of fibroids in your body. The majority of fibroids are intramural and respond to non-surgical treatment methods such as Uterine Fibroid Embolization. You may notice heavy bleeding or irregular periods. Abdominal pain, fatigue, and irregular menstrual cycle are all signs of fibroids. It is important to seek medical treatment for fibroids if you are suffering from any of these symptoms.

Surgical treatment for fibroids is one of the most popular methods. Myomectomy, for example, removes fibroids with the uterus, leaving the reproductive organs intact. However, this surgery carries risks, including scarring and fertility issues. Hysterectomy, on the other hand, removes the uterus completely. This procedure is the only known way to permanently eliminate fibroids and prevent them from recurring.

Treatments vary from person to person so the best way to find out what is best for you is to meet with our doctors today. Call APEX Endovacular today at (970) 694-2650.
