Is DIY Pest Control worth it?

If you have discovered a pest problem involving rodents, birds, insects, or any other species in your home or business, you need to take action straight away.

A trip to your local supermarket will reveal a myriad of ‘DIY’ pest control products claiming to offer effective solutions to almost any pest problem you can think of at a lower price than calling in the professionals.

But is it really worth it? Should your DIY attempts fail, you may well be left with a much worse problem than you had before as pest species often breed at a rapid rate meaning any delay can be extremely costly.

Furthermore, there are very strict regulations over the use of pesticides and if you end up harming a non-target species, even accidentally, you could face serious legal repercussions.

That isn’t to say that there is no benefit to home pest control, however. Putting preventative measures in place to prevent pest infestations forming in the first place is a highly effective step that should be taken by every homeowner, for example.

This article will run you through some of the more common pests found in the UK, looking at whether DIY pest control is a good idea and how to tell when it’s time to call one of the best pest controllers Preston.

best pest controllers preston

Bed Bugs

There are some pest species where it can be worth attempting DIY control before calling in the professionals and you could save a bit of money if you are successful.

Bed bugs are NOT one of them. It simply isn’t worth the risk of letting an infestation grow and the chances of achieving complete eradication without professional grade heat and fumigation equipment is extremely slim.

Bed bug removal can often take a few visits to complete as these insects are pretty hardy, but with the help of a professional you will get there, and the nightly battle will be over once and for all.

Infestations of bed bugs are some of the most upsetting and difficult to manage of all pest problems and all that matters is that you are able to take back control of your home as soon as possible.

If you run a hotel, hostel or similar shared accommodation business, the risk of bed bugs is higher than in a domestic home due to the high turnover of different guests so consult with. Professional pest control expert for tips on the best way to protect your reputation and guard against these biting nuisances.


Mice and rat traps are some of the most commonly bought DIY pest products anywhere in the world.

Snap traps and bait boxes can be effective in killing rodents and you may well find that you do end up achieving limited success simply by placing them in areas where you have seen rodent activity.

Unfortunately, killing one or two rodents isn’t going to touch the sides when it comes to removing an extensive infestation and to do that you will almost certainly need to use a professional.

Professional pest controllers deal with rodents daily and will use a proven combination of rodenticides, trapping, and habitat modification over a series of treatment visits to achieve complete control.

The sooner you act the better as rodents not only breed quickly but also have a tendency to gnaw their way through almost anything, including electrical wiring, and thousands of property fires across the UK start in this manner every year.

pest control worker


Pest Birds such as gulls and feral pigeons have never been a bigger threat to human health in the cities and towns of the UK, roosting and nesting on houses and commercial buildings due to the close proximity of food sources.

There are a variety of bird scarers that can be purchased and installed in your garden such as model owls and other decoy birds of prey.

Unfortunately, whilst these may initially be effective, over time, birds will realise that the decoys pose no real threat and simply return to the property.

For effective and permanent relief from your bird pest control problems, the best thing to do is to have netting or spikes installed by a professional pest controller. They not only have the equipment and expertise to install these specialist deterrents, but are also aware of all the legislation regarding the treatment of pest bird species.

Birds of all kinds are strictly protected under animal welfare law and it is illegal to disturb birds nesting or remove eggs without the required licenses. The penalties for doing so can be pretty severe so it is never worth taking the risk.

For more information on the benefits of professional pest control services, get in touch with us now and speak to one of our highly trained BPCA accredited pest control experts.