What is the difference between 3D and 4D Massage Chairs?

The degree of customization and realism that the chairs offer distinguishes between 3D and 4D massage chairs. 

3D Massage Chairs 

To target various areas of the back, 3D massage chairs contain a mechanism that moves up and down and alters the depth of the massage. This offers a massage experience that is more thorough and personalized. 

4D Massage Chairs 

 On the other hand, 4D massage chairs go beyond customization. They incorporate side-to-side and in-and-out motions in addition to the up-and-down action seen in 3D chairs, giving them a fourth dimension of movement. This gives the impression that the massage therapist’s hands are moving in real-time, making the experience more realistic. 
Osaki & Titan Massage Chairs 

Osaki & Titan chairs have created a nice lineup of 3D & 4D massage chairs. Their biggest-selling 3D massage chair in the Jupiter LE. This chair is also made to fit someone as tall as 6’6” and up to 300lbs making it Titan’s ‘Big Boy Chair’. The Jupiter LE massage chair has over 10 auto programs, foot rollers, body scan technology, and stretch.  
Osaki just released to the market their newest 4D massage chair called the Osaki Highpointe. The Highpointe offers true 4D massages with zero gravity recline, Bluetooth speakers, and a heating pad that goes over your chest. It’s also loaded with a touchscreen remote, voice control, calf kneading, 44 airbags, and calf rollers. 

In conclusion, compared to 3D chairs, 4D chairs offer a more sophisticated and realistic massage experience, but they are also often more expensive.
