Tips for Getting your Boiler ready for the Winter Season


As winter approaches you’ll want to prepare your boiler and your central heating system. The winter is when your boiler will be put under the most demand, and as a result it is vital that you ensure it is in the best possible shape. In this article we’ll discuss the best ways to keep your boiler in shape as the winter approaches.

Check and bleed your radiators

Your radiators condition is a good indicator of the state of your central heating, so checking them is a great way to see how well your boiler is doing.

If you find that your radiators have cold spots or are cold near the top but warm near the bottom (or the whole radiator is cold) then your first step should be to bleed the radiator. These issues result from trapped air inside of the radiator displacing the hot water, stopping it from warming up properly. Bleeding the radiator allows you to get rid of this air, ensuring the hot water can flow freely.

Air can be introduced to a radiator by several means. New water entering the system from the expansion tank or via routine maintenance, or it can be created by the movement of mechanisms like the pump.

Bleeding the radiator is relatively easy. You should begin downstairs and work from the radiator furthest away from your boiler. Make sure your central heating is switched off. You’ll need to get a radiator key, some dry cloth, and a container (to catch any water which comes out). Turn the ‘bleed screw’ at the top of the radiator counter clockwise until a ‘hissing’ noise begins. This is air escaping. When the hissing stops and water drips out, the radiator has been bled. Tighten the bleed screw by turning it clockwise.

After this you’ll want to turn on the central heating and test the radiators.

If cold spot issues continue you may need to contact an engineer. If you notice dirty water when you bleed your radiators, you may need to get a power flush.

Power Flush

A power flush is a fantastic way to improve your homes central heating and its energy efficiency.

A poorly maintained central heating system will suffer from problems like sludge and deposits of rust and debris. These can block the flow of water, reducing the overall energy efficiency of your home significantly. Less energy efficiency means wasted money. It is also often a cause of cold spots on radiators.

A power flush can ensure your central heating system works as intended but also ensure it operates far more efficiently. A cleaner flow can also help to reduce noises from boilers and pipes.

Check the condition of your pipes

It is important to keep an eye on the condition of your pipes. When it’s cold the pipes can freeze up and this can result in serious damage to your central heating system as well as the boiler. To prevent this from happening you may want to insulate your pipes.

Taking a look at boiler pressure

It’s important to keep an eye on boiler pressure. If you’re lucky you’ll never have to check your boiler pressure, but many systems will once in a while will suffer issues with pressure. There’s a myriad of causes for this.

If the boiler temperature is too high then the chance of leaks increases significantly. Too low and the boiler system will not work as well. Your manual should tell you the correct pressure your boiler needs to maintain.

To check your temperature of the boiler you’ll need to insect the pressure gauge, which is a rounded dial either on the front of the boiler or beneath its control panel. The manual for your boiler will tell you what the pressure should be.

Depending on the issue there’s various ways to fix the pressure of a boiler.

Getting your Annual Service for your boiler

It’s vital that you get your annual boiler service. Failing to get your service means you are likely to lose your warranty and the benefits that come with it, alongside all its benefits.

But an annual service also ensures that an engineer can take a good look at the boiler itself. This includes an inspection of all its vital components, ensuring they are clean, and if need be, replacing them to avoid a breakdown by CHS Glasgow.

Not only does this mean you can avoid dealing with future issues like breakdowns, but it also will increase the energy efficiency of your boiler. This is a real issue during the winter, as you’ll want to ensure you aren’t wasting money trying to warm your home.

So, you want to be a human rights lawyer?

International human rights lawyer

Humans right work is an increasingly popular field for lawyers, as it is dynamic, challenging, and well paid. But how do you become a human rights lawyer? In this article we’ll discuss what’s required to become a human rights lawyer.


An important part of becoming a human rights lawyer is being qualified. Human rights lawyers undergo the same kind of training as other lawyers do and require a degree (though some law schools offer specialised courses).

You will need to get a law degree – or another degree followed by the GDL (Graduate Diploma in Law). This is then followed by completing the Legal Practice Course and a training contract. This process will take years and requires a great deal of academic ability and will need to be followed up by volunteer work, pro-bono work, and other sources of experience.

Once qualified, becoming a human rights lawyer consists of taking up work relating to human rights – specific cases, jobs, and clients and experience in this area is what will define your career in this area. Some law schools do offer courses aimed at those looking to go into human rights, so investigating these is important as well. Other law schools are regarded as offering particularly good entryways into human rights work.

While alternative approaches to getting degrees are beginning to emerge, this is the dominant way someone becomes a human rights lawyer.

Skills required by a human rights lawyer

A variety of skills are required by a human rights lawyer. Some of the most important include,

Academic ability has already been pointed out; the studying is strenuous and extensive and good grades are necessary to become a lawyer in the first place, but this isn’t the end of it. You’ll need to research past cases and examine legal documents carefully, not to mention you’ll need to be able to write them up yourself.

Debating and negotiation skills will be required. Lawyers should not aim to resolve things in a courtroom, where the process is often strenuous, extended, and stressful for everyone involved – the goal should be a negotiated settlement. If a case does proceed to court you will need to have debating skills to successfully argue on behalf of your client.

Empathy is incredibly important. Many of the clients you will be representing are extremely vulnerable and will require a huge amount of support and patience. Being able to understand them and support them during the legal process is vital.


The duties of a human rights lawyer

The primary duty of a human rights lawyer is to represent their client, but outside of that they have many other tasks. Researching previous cases, providing legal advice, and drawing up agreements and ensuring they are properly implemented are just some of the duties expected of a human rights lawyer.

The Work of Human Rights Lawyers

The actual work of human rights lawyers varies depending on who they work for.

Many people associate human rights lawyers with large organisations – such as the United Nations or governments. These are certainly a huge part of human rights work, but such positions are competitive and are the result of years of (often voluntary) practice. Government human rights lawyers tend to work to ensure that human rights legislation is properly followed by departments and government bodies, or to defend a government against claims of discrimination. While this work is undeniably prestigious it is by no means the be-all and end-all of human rights work.

Many human rights lawyers work on specific issues. Because of the comprehensive nature of human rights, these can be a whole range of things, including,

  • Domestic Abuse
  • Immigration and refugee rights
  • LGBTQ issues
  • Living conditions
  • Prisoners’ rights
  • Racial discrimination
  • Worker’s rights and labour rights

All of these are important issues and are represented by a variety of organisations and individuals. There are many NGOs and charities dedicated to all these issues, alongside organisations like trade unions. Many human rights lawyers cut their teeth on pro-bono (working for free) work on behalf of these groups or individuals. NGOs are an incredibly important source of experience and help for human rights lawyers and are the best place to gather experience and ‘get their foot in the door’. It is an important way to demonstrate commitment to future clients.

It is also often necessary for getting a position in a firm (or any other job): human rights law is one of the most competitive fields and getting a job in a firm (or any other organisation) is impossible without appropriate experience. As a result, this kind of volunteer work is invaluable.

Voluntary work often defines the career of a human rights lawyer, but despite this it is a job and not a charity. Many human rights lawyers at the ‘top’ of their career make well over £100,000 per annum, while new solicitors on average make upwards of £25,000. This improves overtime as well.

How quickly can you liquidate a company?

Winding up a company

Seeing your company become insolvent is extremely stressful and the prospect of liquidation proceedings can seem like a never ending nightmare.

Most people in this situation have never been in a similar situation in the past and only have a limited understanding of how the liquidation process works.

The fact is, the sooner that file all the necessary paperwork, and a liquidator is put in place the sooner this will all be behind you, and you can get back to living your life.

This article will give you all the information you need about how a company is liquidated, the different types of liquidation proceedings, and how long the process normally takes.

What does liquidation mean?

Liquidation refers to the process by which a company is dissolved, and its assets divided among claimants.

It most often occurs when companies enter insolvency, but not always, sometimes the directors simply wish to move on to other things whilst there is still profit to be made.

There are two different types of liquidation that a company may go through:
  • Voluntary Liquidation
  • Compulsory Liquidation

In simple terms, voluntary liquidation is when the company directors choose to go into liquidation, and compulsory liquidation is when they are forced to by their creditors.

Whatever instigated the process, the end result is that the company will be dissolved, assets sold, and trading will cease.

Voluntary Liquidation

Voluntary liquidation involves the directors of a company filing for dissolution.

The main reason for this tends to be insolvency and an understanding that there is no route forward that could see the company succeed.

Creditors Voluntary Liquidation (CVL), the most common form of liquidation, requires the consent of ¾ of all shareholders to proceed. This consent is given at a general meeting where a resolution to enter liquidation will be signed.

At this point, a notice of deemed consent will normally be sent to creditors informing them of the decision. If there are no objections within the period stated on the notice (at least 7 days) the company will have been deemed to have entered liquidation.

Creditors have the right to request a physical or virtual meeting before liquidation proceedings begin but this rarely happens (around 5% of cases), and is much more common in very complex large scale company liquidations.

Compulsory Liquidation

Compulsory liquidation is a much more complex process than voluntary liquidation and is much less likely to be resolved through negotiation.

This is due to the fact that proceedings will begin against the will of the company directors, instigated by creditors intent on getting the money they are owed.

If a company has failed to meet repayments a creditor may choose to serve them with a statutory demand, giving them 21 days to pay the amount owed.

If they fail to do so, whether declaring a lack of fund or simply by ignoring the demand, the creditor can then apply directly to the court for a winding up hearing.

Upon the agreed date, this hearing will decide whether liquidation proceedings should commence.

If this is the case, a winding up order will be issued that will lead to the liquidation of the company and the creditors will be paid through the sale of any remaining assets that the company has.

Once this has been completed the company’s name will be removed from the Companies House Register.

How long does liquidation take?

Winding up a company does not have a set timeframe and there are a number of factors determining how long the process will take.

However, it does not need to drag on for months on end.

In the case of voluntary liquidation where all parties are agreed on the need for liquidation, it will usually only take around 6-12 weeks to fully dissolve a company.

In fact, the appointment of liquidators itself can happen within just one week, as long as over 90% of shareholders agree. The only reason it takes this long is because 7 days is the required period of deemed consent.

However, once liquidators have been appointed, they are tasked with the sale of the company’s remaining assets, and this can take a significant amount of time.

It is not unusual for the sale and division of assets, and the paperwork associated with the dissolution of a major company with many assets to take upwards of a year.

What happens after liquidation?

Once liquidation is complete, the liquidator will produce a final report for creditors detailing the findings of their investigations.

As long as you are not flagged for wrongful trading or fraud, the company will then be dissolved and removed from the Companies House database.

If you are found guilty of fraudulent trading, you could be made solely responsible for the debts of the company.

Tips for using a hot tub during the winter


At Bubble Box, one of the most common questions we get asked by our customers who buy hot tubs Scotland is whether they should shut down their hot tub over the winter.

The answer is NO, and the truth of the matter is that winter is actually the season where many hot tub owners actually get the most use out of their home spa, as it lets them make the most of their outdoor space when they otherwise might choose to take refuge inside.

However, the Scottish winter is notoriously unpredictable so taking steps to protect your tub and the health of users when temperatures drop is crucial to safely enjoying your tub all year long.

We have put together our list of top tips for how to successfully enjoy all the fantastic benefits of a hot tub during the winter.

Don’t Drain!

Many people think that you should drain and close down your hot tub during the winter to protect it but this could actually do more harm than good.

Whilst inflatable spas cannot be used in extremely low temperatures and should be stored away during the winter, modern hot tub spas are designed to operate effectively at extremely low temperatures and do not need to be drained.

The industry leading Aquavia spas that we provide to customers across Scotland for example are designed to be used in temperatures as low as -25C, much lower than even the coldest of Scottish winters.

Draining your tub will simply increase the chances of pumps and nozzles freezing and as it is unlikely you will be able to completely eradicate all moisture from the bottom of your tub this thin layer of water can lead to freezing, and cracking that can damage the material of your tub.

Keep the water topped up

As mentioned, a small amount of water being left in the tub increases the risk of freezing, cracking, and leakages.

For this reason, you should regularly check that your hot tub is topped up with water as the more water that is contained in the tub the lower the risk of freezing.

Get a well-insulated Cover

One of the main reasons that people think that running a hot tub during the winter is a bad idea is that poorly insulated spas will leak a huge amount of heat energy meaning it will cost a lot more to keep the water at a comfortable temperature.

By installing a high-quality insulated cover to your tub, however, you will significantly increase the energy efficiency of the unit and be able to achieve the perfect water temperature without spending a fortune.

At Bubble Box, we offer an industry leading energy saving cover that is 130 mm thick at its deepest point and offers ultra-energy efficiency during the winter months.

When combined with an Aquavia Ecospa you will be able to save as much as 67% power consumption compared to a standard tub, making running the spa all year long a much more affordable option.

A cover will not only increase the energy efficiency of your tub but will also help you keep the water free of debris and make cleaning and maintenance a much easier task.

Check the Seals

No matter how well insulated a cover you have for your hot tub, if it does not form a tight seal with the edge of the tub itself, there will be significant heat loss in this area.

Checking the seal of your hot tub on a regular basis to ensure it is working properly is important when looking to maintain the unit’s excellent energy efficiency.

One of the clearest indicators that your seal may be broken is if ice begins to build up around the edge of the cover when temperatures fall but by this point you will likely have already wasted more money than necessary on heating your hot tub.

A more year-round indication of a broken seal is water pooling towards the centre of the cover. This indicates that the cover has begun to “cup”, forcing the sides of the cover upwards, and breaking the seal.

Don’t Stay in too long

The old saying that you can have too much of a good thing rings true when it comes to winter hot tub use.

When you submerge yourself in the fantastic heat of a bubbling hot tub you will never want to leave but it is possible to overheat so you should limit your dips to around 20 minutes each time.

Any longer and your body may react to the shock of moving from the warmth of the tub to the freezing temperatures of the outside air.

As long as you are sensible and don’t stay in for more than the recommended time, however, using your hot tub during the winter is extremely low risk.

Is an Air Source Heat Pump the right energy solution for you?

air source heat pump

Whether through the burning of oil and gas, or through the conversion of electricity, the majority of home heating systems in Scotland work by creating their own heat. In contrast, an air source heat pump will use the heat energy found in the air outside and harness it in order to heat your home.

A heat pump will generally produce far more heat energy than the electrical energy it uses to run, making it a much cheaper option than alternative heating systems.

With Government incentives on offer to new owners, and fuel prices increasingly volatile, could this be the perfect time to install an air source heat pump in your home?

Here are all the facts you need to know to help you make your decision:

How does it work?

So, your new air source heat pump will take the heat from outside your home and put it on the inside, but how exactly is this possible?

Firstly, air from outside is blown through the heat pump over a network of tubes containing a liquid refrigerant. This heats the refrigerant, turning it into a gas.

This gas is then passed through a compressor which pressurises the gas as well as adding additional heat.

Once compressed, the gas is condensed back into a warm liquid which is then passed through your radiators to produce heating as well as being stored in a tank for hot water usage.

What are the benefits?

Besides being a cheaper alternative to electric or gas heating, installing an air source heat pump is a great way for you to help protect the environment and reduce your carbon footprint.

More than 2 million homes in Scotland currently use gas central heating, with 200,000 more using oil boilers, and home heating is responsible for a massive 15% of all carbon emissions. The Scottish Government fell well short of its target of having 11% of homes being heated by renewable sources by 2020 with the actual figure falling from 6.6% in 2019 to just 6.4%.

By opting to heat your home with an air source heat pump you will be contributing to improving this bleak picture. Air source heat pumps generate far less CO2 than conventional heating systems and if combined with a renewable tariff have the potential to be zero carbon. This means that you will be unaffected from any changes to fuel costs as a result of restrictions placed on fossil fuel use.

As well as being a responsible and environmentally conscious decision, installing a heat pump will provide you with an efficient and constant source of energy throughout the year. You could be forgiven for thinking that there was not a huge amount of hot air to harness in Scotland, however, air source heat pumps work well in temperatures as low as minus 20 degrees.

Air source heat pumps are also many times more efficient at converting electricity to heat than traditional electric heating systems, producing efficiency rates of 400% (4 units of thermal energy created per unit of electricity). In comparison, the highest efficiency rate produced by conventional electric heaters is around 100%. This means that you could use 75% less electric to heat your home simply by installing an air source heat pump.

Why you need to act fast.

In a bid to meet climate promises the UK Government is offering significant incentives to switch to renewable energy sources. One initiative available is the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) which was introduced in 2011 to encourage people to consider switching to renewable heating technology.

Any homeowner in the UK can currently claim a subsidy of as much as £13,900 when they install an air source heat pump in their home. This number is dependent on the number of kWh required to heat your home, and you must ensure that you use an installer with an MCS certified installer.

However, this scheme will not be available for much longer as in April 2022 it is set to be replaced by the Boiler Upgrade scheme which will offer homeowners a £5,000 upgrade to an air source heat pump.

This means that if you are considering switching to an air source heat pump you should do so before April 2022 in order to secure the best possible funding available to you. If you are unsure of your best course of action, contact Greener Energy Group today.

We have a team of experts who will guide you through the process, manage all the pre-installation paperwork, calculate your potential savings, and have a system designed uniquely to your property needs. They will also ensure you receive the best possible subsidy payment available to you at the time.

Why Burglars are Deterred by Security Cameras

burglar alarm
Senior man explaining to his wife how to set burglar alarm at home

Both former professional/career burglars as well as amateurs consistently cite the biggest deterrent to their crimes as being the visible presence of security cameras. In this article, we’ll discuss why security cameras are such a serious (and effective) deterrent for criminals and burglars, and how best to utilise them to protect your home and property.

Why Burglars are Deterred by Security Cameras

Burglars are deterred primarily because security cameras increase their chances of being caught and prosected, even if the property is empty at the time and any police response is delayed. The fact is that a visual recording of the burglar is not only fantastic evidence for the police to use to find them and track their movements, but it is a fantastic way to guarantee they are prosecuted. If their face is recorded and passed to the police, any criminal career they are hoping to start is unlikely to take off.

Professional burglars collectively agree that a security camera is the biggest deterrent they can encounter. Co-op Insurance found in a study that professional burglars considered CCTV to be the biggest possible deterrent (not only for homes either; the presence of a CCTV camera in a street would frequently deter criminals from attempting to stealing cars as well).

Thieves are not only deterred by security cameras mounted on the exterior of the property. Knowledge of internal security cameras likewise will often deter criminals, but just as with exterior cameras, it’s vital that these be visible. Indeed, in some cases, criminals who have managed to enter homes will promptly leave upon spotting an internal camera.

These benefits cannot be understated. They can end up saving you time, money, and most importantly of all peace of mind.

Why do thieves sometimes target homes with Security Cameras

On some occasions, although rare, thieves will target homes with security cameras. This may be because of an inflated sense of ability, or more than likely, they will not have seen the camera.

Even in these cases, Security Cameras play a vital role in helping to apprehend and prosecute criminals and burglars.

It’s vital any security cameras you have are used as effectively as they can be.

Ensuring Cameras are effective

If you want to make sure your CCTV system is effective at deterring any potential criminals, there’s a few steps you can take. These are some expert approved tips.


If the burglars are going to be deterred by the cameras, they are going to have to see them. A key part of ensuring criminals is put off attempting to break into your property is by ensuring the cameras are visible. If the cameras are obscured or covered up, then the cameras might become an ineffective deterrent – even if they’re able to spot burglars. The priority of the cameras should be to prevent crime.


Another part of visibility is the use of signs advertising the presence of cameras. Even if the cameras themselves aren’t visible to burglars or intruders, the knowledge a camera system is present is often enough to deter them from attempting a crime.

The best camera features for guaranteeing successful deterrence


A fantastic feature of many modern cameras is that they can come equipped with lighting. This shines a literal spotlight upon anyone detected, and the visibility of these kind of lighting systems will deter even expert criminals, since there is then little which they can do to remain unnoticed if they have a literal spotlight shining on them.

Sirens and Audio Warnings

One of the best features that come with modern CCTV camera are audio warnings, such as sirens. These can be set to activate when a camera detects an intruder, resulting in a pre-recorded message playing warning the intruder they are breaking the law and the police are to be alerted. This will often prevent the crime before it even begins and will give any intruder an incredible fright.

Night Vision

Most burglaries occur during at night, therefore it’s imperative you get up to date cameras which carry night vision features, to ensure that even in dark conditions you have a clear idea of what’s going on. Even if the camera can’t provide colour dark vision, infrared LED sensors are also highly effective and a fantastic option.

Maximising Efficiency of your Cameras

The best approach to maximising your cameras effectiveness is by combining them with other systems, such as burglar alarms Glasgow. The creation of a comprehensive security system, and a visible one at that, will do a huge amount to stop any criminal in their tracks. Of course, it is always vital to get the support of professionals when installing any of this – given the wealth of expert advise they can offer.

Carpet Cleaning Health Benefits

Acorn Carpet Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning has a range of health benefits many people simply aren’t aware of. While many people focus on the serious aesthetic benefits of cleaning, health is often seriously impacted overtime by the spread of dust and bacteria through carpets.

In this article we’ll detail some of the serious benefits that Acorn carpet cleaning can offer your carpet and your health. Acorn Carpet Cleaning has been providing professional services for years, and knows the best way to help you get the most out of your carpet.

Carpets – A major source of Pollutants and Debris

Various studies have found that failing to maintain your carpet can produce a huge build-up of dust and other harmful debris within your carpet. Overtime, these will release into the air of you home, and you’ll inhale them, which can end up being harmful. Young children and the elderly are especially at risk; carpets are often a source of colds and other illnesses which impact them.

A lot can hide in your carpet, building up a range of gasses and particles that’ll pass into the airflow of your home. This includes,

  • Dirt
  • Dust (Carpets hold a huge amount of dust)
  • Bacteria
  • Mould spores
  • Cockroach and Dust Mite allergens
  • Pesticides and other chemical debris tracked in on your shoes

The best way to prevent these kinds of pollutants and debris entering the air of your home is via regular cleaning – but often this isn’t enough. While norming hoovering is good, it cannot remove all the dirt, dust, and grime in your carpet. Furthermore, it will rapidly build up again soon. In the worst cases, some commercially available vacuums can push this debris into the air. The result is that the problem is made much worse.

Acorn Carpet Cleaning offers the best choice for ensuring your home is kept free of these problems and that your carpet is kept truly fresh. Our team at Acorn makes use of a huge range of professional grade equipment to ensure your carpet is kept properly clean. This equipment includes professional vacuums, whose high-suction vacuum and filtration unit guarantees none of the debris escape into the air. Our appliance of a biodegradable molecular spray and hot water extraction technique furthermore ensures no debris or chemicals are left.

Air Quality and Clean Carpets

Carpets will release much of the dirt, dust, and grime they pick up into the air overtime. There’s not much we can do about this – but what we can do is cut down on what can enter the air. Traditional hoovering can only stop so much; it can certainly cut down on dust, but bacteria and other grime is harder to remove.

Acorn’s techniques will ensure your carpets are cleaned down to the fine fibres,

Dust Mites

Dust mites are tiny, microscopic creatures which feed on skin cells and thrive in carpets. Dust mites are an allergen, and can cause problems like sneezing, congestion, and coughing. There are some studies which indicate Dust mites may even worsen asthma, resulting in a difficulty breathing and chest pains.

Dust mites are tough to remove; normal hoovering will struggle to remove them and will rarely cut down a population to have any noticeable effect on health. In some cases, hoovering can cause the Mites to spread to other parts of your home.

Acorn Carpet Cleaning’s use of powerful cleaning technology and methods will ensure any Dust mite population in your home is cut down to size. Our use of powerful vacuums and hot water extraction will ensure any dust mite population is eradicated.

Preventing Mould Growth

Spills and moisture can cause mould to form in your carpet. In other cases, mould spores can be tracked to the carpet by accident. If they’re allowed to remain undisturbed, it will result in the spread of mould. If your home is subject to changes in humidity, this can result in a serious moisture build-up and in turn the emergence of mould. Mould causes some serious allergic reactions – indeed mould is a very common allergen that impacts many people. Worse, the effects of mould are often not easily seen – it weakens the immune system, and so its effects will often be felt in other illnesses and such.

Long term exposure to mould has the potential of causing a range of health issues. These include,

  • Asthma
  • Respiratory ailments

It’s difficult to remove mould spores via traditional cleaning, while removing mould is even harder. The best means to prevent it is through professional cleaning. Acorn uses powerful cleaning methods to ensure that your carpet will be kept clean of any mould. Whereas traditional methods won’t be able to pull out or remove the mould spores entangled in the fibres of your carpet, Acorn Carpet Cleaning will guarantee your carpet is kept truly clean.

Prime Secure AI CCTV Towers

CCTV Tower

Prime Secure’s been leading the market for 20 years in construction site surveillance technology. But we don’t just try to lead the market – we look to innovate and improve it. One product that’s helped us do this has been our AI Security Towers.

Eco Security Towers are sturdy steel built all in one security options. They are,

  • Resistant to vandalism and sabotage, ensuring protection against both vandals and professional criminals
  • Not reliant on wires, cabling or a generator – making them easy to set up and deploy in many kinds of construction environment
  • Carry a 360-degree camera with a 200-metre range, mounted on a 7ft poll ensuring excellent coverage
  • Backed by powerful, modern artificial intelligence, eliminating the potential for human error and bring in advanced machine learning detection technology

Prime Secure’s AI CCTV Towers have helped secure us a respected place in the market. They’re suitable for a wide range of clients and environment’, and we’ve provided CCTV towers to construction sites, home associations and builders.

Prime Secure’s AI Towers are excellent if you’re looking for CCTV which isn’t reliant on consistent maintenance, isn’t in need of pre-existing infrastructure and can provide immediate service from set-up.

CCTV Tower Features

So, what features do our towers offer? As a modern CCTV security system, Prime Secure has ensured our CCTVs are fully equipped to provide your property with the systems they need to guarantee the protection of your property.

  • Quick to Deploy: Whereas traditional CCTV systems require extensive cable and wiring systems to be set up – Prime Secure’s CCTV Tower is quick to set up and requires minimum preparation and infrastructure which makes it perfect for a construction site environment.
  • Remote Access App: Want to check in on your property? Prime Secure’s CCTV Tower can be remotely accessed through a dedicated app. You can check on your employees as they work while also inspecting the security of the site directly.
  • Powerful AI Systems: Prime Secure’s CCTV Systems feature modern AI technology that ensures a quick response to any intrusion. Not only does AI decrease the potential for human error such as false alarms (or worse, missed signs of intruders), but AI has faster response time as well. Furthermore, with our excellent AI you can establish digital tripwires and protection zones – providing your property with even sharper, more powerful protection.
  • 360 Auto-Tracking Camera: Mounted on a sturdy 7ft poll, our towers mount a camera which can move 360 degrees and can track potential intruders and suspicious behaviour. This excellent field of view and capacity to keep sight of intruders or incidents (while recording them) ensures you’re able to get the evidence necessary to protect your property and prosecute criminals.
  • Warning and Audio Systems: Prime Secure’s CCTV Towers are equipped with audio warning systems. When an intruder is detected, recorded messages can be played which will alert the intruder that the authorities have been alerted. This will do a great deal to scare off vandals, intruders, and other criminals.
  • 4K 60FPS Low Light Camera: Our CCTV Cameras record at a crisp 4K, 60 FPS. This means that you will have a clear image of your property and get the best evidence for the police and any kind of legal proceedings. Furthermore, the Camera is lowlight and perfect for operating in dark conditions, meaning you’re protected at all times of the day. With a massive 4TB of storage, there’s no need to worry about a loss of space either.
  • Sturdy Construction: Prime Secure’s CCTV Towers are built to be sturdy, heavy, and resistant to tampering and vandalism. This means in the face of even professional criminals, you’ll be protected – as will your new security system. 
  • Limited Maintenance: Prime Secure has worked to ensure our CCTV Towers require minimal maintenance and don’t require consistent call outs or inspection to continue running. This is a serious benefit over standard security systems, which often necessitate consistent inspections.

CCTV Eco Tower

Alongside our standard CCTV Tower, Prime Secure also offers an advanced Eco-Powered CCTV Tower. It comes with the same features as our standard CCTV Tower, but also comes with other major benefits.

  • Eco Friendly: As its name suggests, Prime Secure’s Eco CCTV Tower is intended to benefit the environment. It uses solar panels to produce its energy, which means it is not reliant on a generator or other fuel source. This can help you to significantly cut down on your carbon output and footprint.
  • Makes Deployment and Use Easier: Because there’s no need for a generator or external power source an Eco CCTV is incredibly easy to set up. This can significantly save time, space and money.